Kartografia hydrogeologiczna Tatr i Podhala — rys historyczny


  • Józef Chowaniec


Hydrogeological cartography of the Tatras and Podhale area — a historical outline.A b s t r a c t . Hydrogeological maps of the Polish Tatra Mts. and Podhale region are dated back to the sixties of the last century. In that time, within the frame of the Hydrogeological Map of Poland, 1 : 300 000, the Cieszyn sheet which covered the Tatras and the Podhale region was elaborated. A very important input in the hydrogeological cartography of this region was the Hydrogeological Map of the Podhale and the adjacent areas, 1 : 100 000 published in 1982. In the 1990s accomplishment of the Hydrogeological Map of Poland, 1 : 50 000 has been launched. The area under cartographic studies covers four sheets: Czarny Dunajec, Biały Dunajec, Tatry Zachodnie, and Tatry Wysokie. Some new Geographic Information System data regarding the Hydrogeological Map of Poland, 1 : 50 000, such as first aquifer, its occurrence and hydrodynamics, pollution vulnerability and quality of groundwater is presently continued and complimented.




Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia