Paleoklimatyczna wymowa peryglacjalnych pokryw stokowych na podstawie badań w południowej części Płaskowyżu Ojcowskiego


  • Halina Pawelec


Palaeoclimatic significance of periglacial slope covers — a study from southern part of the Ojców Plateau, S Poland.S u m m a r y. Slope covers investigation reveal possibilities of extensive palaeoclimatic/stratigraphic reconstructions. This paper approaches the problem by presenting the results of sedimentological analyses upon periglacial slope deposits in the southern part of the Ojców Upland. Periglacial slope covers (loess, weathered debris, sediments deposited in result of slope proceses), originated during and after the youngest loess accumulation (in conditions of permafrost thawing), have been the object of research. Both climatic and morphologic conditions of slope covers genesis are analysed in detail. Climate reconstruction is based on the analyses of slope deposits successions examined underneath the rock walls, on the steep slopes and gentle slopes, respectively. Presented research proved that slope cover analysis may be a basis for palaeoclimatic interpretations, however it must have been preceded by studies of morphological conditions of slope material redeposition. The same climate changes may have resulted in different succession of slope deposits, depending on local slope relief.




Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia