Fałdy i pasma kolankowe (załomowe) — geometria, warunki powstawania, interpretacja (przykład z fliszu Karpat zewnętrznych)


  • Jacek Rubinkiewicz


Kink folds and kink bands—geometry, conditions of nucleation, interpretation (an example fromthe Outer Carpathian flysch).S u m m a r y. Kink folds and kink bands are common structures which occur in metamorphic and sedimentary rocks. They have a specific geometry. Kink folds originate under layer — parallel compression. To nucleate those structures, several conditions are necessary such as: multilayered material, high overburned pressure conditions and presence of initial perturbation. Different sedimentary and tectonic structures form initial perturbations, e.g, solemarks, fractures and faults. Knowing the locking angle of kink fold it is possible to determine the orientation of the maximum stress axis and the friction angle between the layers using a butterfly diagram.




Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia