Zachodni i południowy zasięg kratonu wschodnioeuropejskiego


  • Włodzimierz Mizerski
  • Orest Stupka


Western and southern extent of the East European Craton.S u m m a r y. The problem of the western and southern borders of the East European Platform is still subject to debate; different authors variously put this border on the geological maps of Europe. The deepness of the crystalline basement between the T–T zone and the Variscan orogen and within the so-called Scythian Platform makes recognizing the geotectonic structure of the area difficult. There are relatively few and small regions with rocks older than Mesozoic. There is no direct access to Precambrian strata over most of the area. Most structural information is provided by geophysical methods, but they do not allow to date the age of consolidated basement. The paleomagnetic studies of the area give equivocal results. Our analysis of available materials from between the T–T zone and the Variscan orogen and the Scythian Platform suggests that the Precambrian Platform has a larger extent than it was generally assumed. The platform extends westwards even as far as the front of the Variscan orogen, and to the SW and S it may reach the Alpine folded structures.




Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia