Zagadka zaniku jeziora skaliskiego w Krainie Wielkich Jezior Mazurskich


  • Katarzyna Pochocka-Szwarc


Mystery of the ancient Skaliska Lake in the Mazury Lakeland (NE Poland).S u m m a r y. In the northern part of the Great Mazurian Lakes there is a post-lacustrine plain extending over 90 km2. This depression, called Skaliska Basin (Kondracki, 1998), is situated NE of Węgorzewo, overlapping the state boundary between Poland and Russian Kaliningrd Region (thus the northernmost part of the structure was not accessible for study). A glaciolacustrine lake existed there during Late Pleistocene (Pochocka-Szwarc & Lisicki 2001a, 2003). Defining the exact extent and direction of outflow from the Skaliska Lake are most important aims for palaeogeographic investigation of the area. For paleogeomorphological analyses of the Skaliska Basin, the following methods were used: Digital Terrain Model (1 : 200,000 scale), Landsat TM satellite images, archival cartographic materials, and results of geological investigations accompanying compilation of sheets Budry (Pochocka-Szwarc, Lisicki 2001a) and Banie Mazurskie (Pochocka-Szwarc 2003) of the Detailed Geological Map of Poland (1 : 50,000). The study allowed to recognize the lateral extension of the paleolake, and reconstruct the sequence of events that led to catastrophic out flow towards the NW.




Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia