Związek akumulacji metali ciężkich w osadach facji powodziowej z morfologią doliny Wisły na odcinku od Annopola do Gołębia


  • Ewa Falkowska


Relationship between the heavy metal accumulation in flood deposits and the morphology of the Vistula River Valley between Annopol and Gołąb.S u m m a r y. A distinct zonality as shown in the occurrence of trace elements accumulated in the flood facies of the Vistula River between Annopol and Gołąb. Their amount may be linked with the character and dynamics of river flow in its particular stretches because the nature of the fluvial processes influences on the lithological composition of deposits. Thus the content of these elements in the deposits is related to the geomorphologic conditions of the valley evolution, such as the occurrence of gorge zones and zones with free channel development. The highest concentrations have been noted in flood deposits occurring as intercalations within the channel facies and deposited in the widest parts of the river valley. The lowest concentrations of the trace elements have been observed in the gorge zones of the valley. These are places where the flow is most dynamic, enabling only the formation of low and medium cohesive silty flood deposits with low contents of organic matter, iron oxides and calcium carbonate.




Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia