Przydatność nowej sondy geoelektrycznej do charakterystyki litologicznej iłów warwowych z Plecewic k. Sochaczewa


  • Piotr Zawrzykraj


Practicability of new geoelectrical equipment for the lithological characteristic of varved clays from Plecewice near Sochaczew (central Poland).S u m m a r y. This paper presents the results of the field research using a new, prototypical geoelectrical equipment, that were developed for the soil resistance (Borowczyk & Porzeżyński, 2003). These studies were carried out in Plecewice near Sochaczew, where an open pit with varved clays is situated. Lithological changeability of varved clays was determined by the author through detailed laboratory testing. Then the results of research were compared with those derived from the new geoelectrical equipment tests and were related to varve thickness qualitative and quantitative evaluation of the soils in the vertical profile with the novel method was demonstrated. Further, the geological situation of the investigated area is presented in this paper.




Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia