Genetyczne uwarunkowania przestrzennej zmienności zawartości węgla organicznego i siarki w obrębie torfowiska w dolinie rzeki Kurówki


  • Paweł Rydelek


Genetic conditions of spatial variability of Total Organic Carbon (TOC) and sulphur concentration in the peat bog area of Kurowka River Valley.S u m m a r y. Peats with regard to physico-chemical properties belong to the most heterogeneous soils in Poland. The origin and sedimental conditions influencing the spatial variability of total organic carbon and sulphur contents in peats of the Kurówka valley peatbog have been proved in this paper. The variability of these parameters depends on the peat genus and aerial-water conditionsin the peatbog. The potential possibilities of the studied peatbog as a natural isolation barrier have been also defined.




Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia