Badania monitoringowe wód podziemnych obszarów chronionych o róźnym poziomie antropopresji
Groundwater monitoring surveys in protected areas of different anthropopressure level.S u m m a r y. Results of supplementary hydrogeochemical analyses, conducted in the Kampinos National Park (KPN), its buffer zone and in the reserve “Bielany Forest” (“Las Bielański”) allowed revising the location of monitoring points and proposing a basic set of analyses of quality, groundwater level. This set includes measurements of physical-chemical parameters enabling to assess water quality and to define causes and consequences of groundwater chemical composition changes. Analyses of the water level monitoring results and selected hydrogeochemical indicators allows for assessment at antopopressure intensity. The survey results led to suggesting necessary range of physical-chemical tests and frequency of monitoring in affected areas under different antropopressure level.Downloads
Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia