Koncepcja mapy terenów podwyższonego ryzyka naturalnego w skali 1 : 10 000 dla terenów podgórskich i górskich

Bogusław Bąk, Barbara Radwanek-Bąk


Proposal of the map of increased natural hazard in mountain and foremountain regions 1 : 10,000 scale.
S u m m a r y. The paper illustrates geological problems related to increased natural hazard, especially in mountain and foremontain regions, and general aspects of making a detailed map of such areas. The main geoenvironmental hazards in mountain and foremountain regions are discussed. They can be divided into two groups: natural hazards and anthropopressure. The first group consists of geodynamic processes, mainly ladnslides and floods. Human pressure on the environment shows up mainly by deforestation and increasing number of built-up areas. Also tourism development is a part of anthropopressure (for example, it causes erosion). Proper map of such a risky region should concentrate on five groups of problems: presentation of environmental and cultural values, showing the natural threats and their geological background, anthropopressure, as well as geologial-engineering conditions and areas of possible conflicts for spatial planning. The scope and methodology of elaborate necessary for that kind of map is summarized in the table 1.

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