Stanowisko interglacjału eemskiego w Radówku (Pojezierze Łagowskie, zachodnia Polska) i jego implikacje dla litostratygrafii glin zwałowych


  • Krzysztof Urbański
  • Hanna Winter


The Eemian Interglacial in the section Radówek (Łagów lakeland, western Poland) and its implication for till lithostratigraphy.Summary. The borehole at Radówek (£agówLakeland, western Poland) was made during cartographic works for the Detailed Geological Map of Poland in 1 : 50 000 scale (sheet Słubice upon Odra). Deposits of 200 m thickness were drilled. Till and lacustrine — boggy sediments have been investigated by lithopetrographical investigations and by pollen analysis. This series consists of laminated gyttja with clayey laminas with shells of mollusks and floral detritus and a layer of brown-black peat. The profile of the interglacial deposits ended with finely laminated sands with organic substance. According to palynological data, the sediments in the depth 23,30 to 18,75 m belong to the Upper Warthanian Glaciation, the Eemian Interglacial and the Early Vistulian Glaciation. The described sequence lies above a 18,5 m thick layer of till correlated with lithotype till Karolewo and Naratow. This indicates its Wartanian Glaciation age. The sandy till at the top of the profile was assigned to till of Maliniec type recognized in Poznañ region that is considered to be of the Early Vistulian deposits.




Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia