Mikromorfologiczne cechy pokryw glebowych obszaru o najwyższych opadach na świecie — Cherrapunji, Wyżyna Meghalaya, Indie


  • Anna Budek
  • Paweł Prokop


Micromorphological features of the soil covers in the area of the highest rainfall in the world — Cherrapunji, Meghalaya Hills, India.S u m m a ry. The paper presents the results of micromorphological analyses concerning soil covers near Cherrapunji with mean annual rainfall of 12 000 mm. Two soil profiles representing typical land use: grass formation (Cherrapunji–1) and natural evergreen forest (Cherrrapunji–2) have been choosen. Processes leading to formation of Dystric Cambisols predominate in both profiles. However they have different weathering features. Soil cover under grass has more weathered quartz and contains less feldspars compared to soil cover in the forest area. Soils are characterized also by a large volume of pores which is typical for the tropical humid areas. The rapid infiltration of large amounts of water protects forest soil from surficial erosion. In case of soils under grass vegetation, micropores are filled with fresh organic matter (fine roots and plants tissue). Since both profiles are located on similar substratum (Paleogene sandstones) and under the same climatic conditions, it is assumed that the micromorphological differences are due to long-term (several centuries) differences in local land use.




Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia