Możliwości wykorzystania energii geotermalnej między Bochnią a Brzeskiem (woj. małopolskie)
Possibilities of geothermal energy utilization in Bochnia–Brzesko area (S Poland).S u m m a r y. Hydrogeothermal conditions of the Bochnia –Brzesko area within of Devonian, Cretaceous, Jurassic and Miocene aquifers are evaluated. Particularly favourable geothermal conditions in this area result from good hydrogeological parameters of the Late Cretaceous aquifer (Cenomanian sandstones, up to 80 m thick in this area). Heat power estimate for one geothermal doublet (with a heat pump system) exploiting the Cenomanian aquifer yields 1.5 MWt. Currently, other aquifers in this area (Miocene, Jurassic, Devonian) are regarded as being of secondary importance for geothermal purposes.Downloads
Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia