Cechy teksturalne piaszczystych osadów preglacjalnych i warunki ich sedymentacji na przykładzie stanowisk Stanisławice k. Kozienic i Niwa Babicka k. Ryk


  • Łukasz Bujak


Textural features of preglacial sandy sediments from Stanisławice near Kozienice and Niwa Babicka nearRyki, and conditions of their accumulation.S u m m a r y . Analysis of texture of preglacial sediments from Stanisławice near Kozienice and the Niwa Babicka borehole (map sheet Żelechów) allowed for both recognition of textural features of the sediments and identification of the sedimentary environment conditions. In addition, the recognition of textural features in the Niwa Babicka borehole has brought about the reinterpretation of the age of the upper part of preglacial sediments to assign them to the Pleistocene. The results of the analysis show that the sediments were accumulated in a periglacial climate prior to the first glacial transgression onto the territory of Poland.




Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia