Mofeta ze Złockiego (Beskid Sądecki) atrakcją geologiczną


  • Lucyna Rajchel
  • Jacek Rajchel


Amofette in Z³ockie (S¹decki Beskid) as a geological attraction.S u m m a r y. Themost beautiful Polish mofette occurs in the Sądecki (Sącz) Beskid, within the Krynica tectonic-facial zone of the Magura Unit (Inner Carpathians). It is located in the Złocki Stream upstream of the Złockie village in the Muszyna commune. The occurrence has numerous exhalations of CO2 in the valley floor and on the sides of this boggy stream as well as in the „Zatopione” and „Bulgotka” springs. It is also the site of the dry exhalation „Dychawka”. The floor of the valley is covered with gelatinous rusty-brown deposits of iron oxyhydroxides that precipitate either due to chemical or organic processes (the latter initiated by numerous microorganisms, mainly ferruginous bacteria). The site is legally protected as the Professor Henryk Świdziński monument of inanimate nature. In September 2005 it was made accessible for tourists and currently is an important geological attraction in the Popradzki Landscape Park.




Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia