Stanowisko z tropami kręgowców z osadów najwyższego środkowego pstrego piaskowca Gór Świętokrzyskich


  • Maria Kuleta
  • Grzegorz Niedźwiedzki
  • Stanisława Zbroja


Vertebrate track site in the uppermost Middle Buntsandstein of the Holy Cross Mountains, Poland.S u m m a r y. The Middle Buntsandstein material of vertebrate tracks has been found at new site in the northern margin of the Holy Cross Mountains (central Poland). Several dozen specimens of Chirotheriidae (Chirotherium cf. barthii, cf. Brachychirotherium sp., Isochirotherium sp., and Chirotheriidae indet.) and Rhynchosauroidae (Rhynchosauroides sp., Rhynchosauroidae indet.) tracks are reported from the deposits of  he Samsonów Formation (=Pseudooolithic Beds) at the Pałęgi clay pit located near Mniów. Poorly preserved cf. Capitosauroides sp. and numerous swimming animal traces were also found in this site. Those are the first finds of vertebrate tracks from the uppermost Middle Buntsandstein strata in the Holy Cross Mountains.




Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia