Modelowanie geochemiczne narzędziem poznania geochemii systemów wód podziemnych. Przykłady zastosowań, aktualny stan w Polsce


  • Dariusz Dobrzyński


Geochemical modelling—a tool for understanding geochemistry of groundwater systems. Case studies, and present-day state in Poland.S u m m a r y. Potential of geochemical modelling for groundwater systems, with the most important up-to-date literature was concisely described. Case studies considering different methods of geochemical modelling used for understanding of groundwater systems geochemistry are presented. Most of case studies concern modelling of groundwater in short turn-over time zone in the Sudetes Mts. (SW Poland). Present-day geochemical modelling state-of-art in Poland was discussed and evaluated.




Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia