Litostratygrafia plejstoceńskiego tarasu wysokiego doliny Łagowicy w rejonie Masłowca (SE część Gór Świętokrzyskich)


  • Małgorzata Ludwikowska-Kędzia
  • Małgorzata Wiatrak
  • Ireneusz Olszak
  • Andrzej Bluszcz


Lithostratigraphy of the Pleistocene high meadow terrace of the £agowica Valley near Mas³owiec (SE part of the Holy Cross Mountains).S u m m a r y. The lithostratigraphy of the Pleistocene high meadow terrace deposits in the £agowica Valleynear Masłowiec, southeastern part of the Holy Cross Mountains, central Poland, is presented against thebackground of geological features and relief of the valley in the Łagów–Ruda segment. The lithostratigraphicdivisions for the Holy Cross Mountains assume Middle- Polish Glaciation age for high terraces in valleys.Hypsometry of terraces often served to estimate their age. Detailed sedimentological analysis of deposits forming the terrace of the £agowica Valley near Mas³owiec (textural and structural features, TL and OSL datings) have indicatived a complex fluvial-deluvial origin of the deposits and their Plenivistulian, not Middle Polish Glaciation age. The actual aggradation of the valley bottom has been partly masked by slope processes, which due to local lithostructural conditions, significantly participated in the Łagowica Valley bed aggradation. This problem is well-known in other upland regions of Poland and has been only briefly noted in the Holy Cross Mountains. The research methods and results can be useful in establishing the origins of deposits building meadow terraces, also then when only borecore material is available. The methods can also faciltate stratigraphic interpretation of deposits dated with TL and OSL methods




Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia