Marsupites (Crinoidea, Uintacrinida) jako narzędzie datowania skał górnosantońskich w krach glacjalnych wschodniej Polski
Marsupites (Crinoidea, Uintacrinida) as a stratigraphic marker of the Upper Santonian strata in the glacial rafts of eastern Poland.Summary. In the Santonian chalk glacial deposits exposed at Kornica (eastern Poland) an assemblage of echinoderms comprising asteroids, echinoids, ophiuroids, and crinoids (comatulids, roveacrinids, and Bourgueticrinus, Isocrinus, Isselicrinus, Marsupites) is documented. The Santonian age of sediments at Kornica has been determined with foraminifers. Numerous occurrences of the crinoid Marsupites testudinarius, indicate their late Santonian age.Downloads
Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia