Nowe dane na temat flory z famenu Gór Świętokrzyskich


  • Katarzyna Dąbrowska
  • Paweł Filipiak


The new findings of macroflora from the Famennian of the Holy Cross Mountains.S u m m a r y. New macroflora remains were found from the Famennian strata (unit J) from the Kowala Quarry (the Holy Cross Mts., central Poland). Palynological research indicates presence of the VF (Diducites versabilis Grandispora famenensis) miospore Zone. Macroflora is very well preserved as many carbonized parts or imprints. Preliminary observations indicate that those remains can belong to genus Archaeopteris. This cosmopolitan genus has been earlier reported from Poland in the Sudetes Mts. from similar stratigraphic position.




Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia