Charakterystyka wystąpienia oligoceńskiego bazaltoidu w Małym Kotle Śnieżnym (Karkonosze)


  • Paweł P. Zagożdżon
  • Katarzyna Zagożdżon


Characteristics of the oligocene basaltoid in the Ma³y Kocio³ OEnie¿ny (Karkonosze Mountains).S u m m a r y. An Oligocene basaltoid (basanite), unique in terms of its morphology, geology and biology, located in Mały Kocioł Śnieżny in the west part of Polish Karkonosze Mountains has been characterized. A history of researchern, as well as the results of authors’own examination, consisting mainly of the morphology analysis of the basaltic body and structural analysis results, have been presented. Having thoroughly characterized the complex structure of this sub-volcanic intrusion, the authors rejected the opinion persisting in literature, that two thin veins exist there.




Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia