Krajobrazowe kierunki zagospodarowania terenów pogórniczych


  • Jerzy Nita
  • Urszula Myga-Piątek


Landscape directions in management of post-mining areas.S u m m a r y. The article presents the role post-mining objects and forms play in the diversity of Polish landscape. More and more often, post-mining areas, heavily transformed by human economic activities, are no longer a danger for the environment, but enhance the monotonous urban-industrial landscape of a particular region and are its identifying value instead. We would like to point to some of the problems that result from legal barriers regarding the concept of more diversified management of post-mining areas as substantial forms of our landscape.We will emphasize the need for geologists’ and geomorphologists participation in the process of complex shaping of the natural environment in reclamation actions regarding post-mining areas. The current rate of transformation of the environment and changes in spatial management is faster than ever; geologists should therefore actively participate in solving many problems related to shaping and protection of the environment. One of such issues is utilization of exploitation hollows and mining heaps remaining after mineral exploitation as an important cultural and scenic element for regional distinctness in the uniting Europe. This is so because it is important to participate not only in the process of searching for and exploiting Earth’s resources, but also in dealing with negative consequences of such activities, including shaping the surrounding of these objects. Thus, we should break the stereotypes, regarding narrow specialization of people dealing with only mineral exploitation, spatial planning or nature protection, and suggest the need of joint, interdisciplinary projects, also in the field of shaping the landscape of post-mining areas.




Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia