Wyniki badań geologicznych i archeologicznych na stanowisku Huta Radoryska 1 (Polska południowo-wschodnia)


  • Marcin Żarski
  • Michał Przeździecki
  • Joanna Przasnyska


The results of geological and archaeological investigation on the Huta Radoryska 1 site (SE Poland).S u m m a r y. The flint material found in 2001 on the dune surface at Huta Radoryska in South-Podlasian Lowland near Żelechów is associated with human activity. The dune is located at Mała Bystrzyca depression. This depression, filled with the Wartanian silts, Eemian, Vistulian sands and Holocene peats, was formed after dead ice had thawed during deglaciation of the Wartanian ice sheet. The dune is built from eolian sands, mainly accumulated in the Late Vistulian (the Younger Dryas). The palaeosol (podsolic), formed in the Atlantic Period, occurs in the upper part of the dune. There were flints (344) pieces within humus horizon A1 of this palaeosol and above it. Flint cores and tools were recognised among flints. Most of the artefacts were connected with the Mesolithic (the Komornica and Chojnice-Pieńki Culture). Few Late Palaeolithic and Bronze Age flint artefacts were also found. Human activity have lasted for over 10 thousand years on this dune.




Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia