Baza danych fauny z osadów neogenu południowego Bałtyku


  • Jarmila Krzymińska
  • Wojciech Jegliński
  • Piotr Przezdziecki


Faunal database of the Southern Baltic Quaternary deposits.S u m m a r y. The project aimed at creating a digital archive of species documented from the Quarternary deposits of the Southern Baltic Sea. The records are ordered and supplemented with diagnostic descriptions..Users interested in micro- and malacofauna can use the data in various applications (e.g., GIS). Besides, the database is also compatible with zoological specimen collections for museums, using a standard catalogue registry. The database was created in MS Visual FoxPro format. Access to the database (including browsing, searching and sorting options) is possible via a custom- made user interface application. The database is distributed on CD–ROM including also the necessary software. Because of its “open” character, the database will be systematically updated with new results of research on the Southern Baltic. The new faunistic database is designed as compatible with an already existing geological data base (Neptun) in the Marine Geology Branch of the Polish Geological Institute. Such cooperation will allow users to get additional information (lithology, petrography, etc.) concerning the studied samples of the Quaternary faunal remains.




Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia