Korelacja litostratygraficzna ordowiku rejonu Biłgoraj–Narol z równowiekowymi osadami sąsiednich obszarów brzeżnej strefy kratonu wschodnioeuropejskiego Polski i Ukrainy


  • Daniel Drygant
  • Zdzisław Modliński
  • Bronisław Szymański


Lithostratigraphical correlation of the Ordovician in the Biłgoraj–Narol area with deposits of the adjacent regions of the marginal zone of the East European Craton in Poland and Ukraine.S u m m a r y. Presented is an attempt to correlate the Ordovician formal lithostratigraphic units of the Biłgoraj–Narol area with their counterparts in the adjacent regions of the marginal zone of the East European Craton in the territories of Poland and Ukraine. The comparison embraces profiles of 8 structural units representing various palaeogeographical environments, with different structure and facies. They differ in degree of drilling status as well. In the area of Poland these are: the Baltic Basin, the Łysogóry Unit of the Holy Cross Mts and the Lublin area. In Ukraine the comparison embraced: the Lviv Basin, the Carpathian Foredeep, the substratum of the Carpathians and the Volhynia and Podolia. The paper does not deal with the isochronous deposits known from the substratum of the Warsaw Basin and the Podlasie–Brest Basin




Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia