Metale ciężkie w glebach powiatu warszawskiego zachodniego


  • Józef Lis
  • Anna Pasieczna


Heavy metals in soils at administrative district Warsaw–West.Summary. The geochemical soil survey in administrative district Warsaw–West was arranged with 1×1 km grid pattern while the field work of particular interest (the former Cable Work in Ożarów Mazowiecki) followed the more detailed grid 100×100 m. Samples were leached with HCl (1:4); than AAS and ICP–AES) determinations of Cd, Co, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb and Zn were made. The geochemical survey reveals that occurerence of heavy metals in forest and agricultural soils is similar to the regional geochemical background. Small towns (B³onie and Leszno) with associated transport system and emissions of dust and gases from coal burning households are local sources of soil pollution with copper, lead and zinc. Geochemical anomalies related to industry have been dicovered in towns Łomianki and Ożarów Mazowiecki. Areas with high arsenic and chromium as well as zinc, lead and copper concentration were found in the environs of former tannery at Łomianki. Former Cable Work in Ożarów Mazowiecki is the main source of anthropogenic pollution of soils by copper and lead while the the soils around the glass smelter are significantly polluted by lead.




Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia