Historia rozwoju dwóch torfowisk mszarnych w Borach Tucholskich


  • Mariusz Lamentowicz
  • Milena Obremska
  • Edward A.D. Mitchell


Developmental history of two kettle-hole mires in Tuchola Pinewoods (N Poland).S u m m a r y. Our research confirmed the value of kettle-hole mires for reconstructing Holocene environmental changes. The multi-proxy approach in which three palaeoecological methods were used (analyses of testate amoebae, plant macrofossils and pollen) improved the interpretation potential. We studied two Sphagnum mires situated in Tuchola Pinewoods (N Poland). In Tuchola mire 9000 years of environmental changes (groundwater level and pH) were recorded. Water table changes inferred from Tuchola mire show patterns similar to regional hydrological changes recorded in Polish lakes and mires as well as in other European sites. Jelenia Wyspa mire recorded changes in local vegetation and palaeohydrology during the last 1500 years. A rise in the groundwater table, caused by deforestation in the catchment area, allowed Sphagnum to expand. Consequently, the peatland evolved into an oligotrophic mire dominated by peat mosses. Approx. 200 years ago water pH increased and subsequently decreased, the lowest value being associated with the deforestation maximum. Furthermore, the planting of pine probably also caused an acidification of Jelenia Wyspa mire.




Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia