Regionalizacja tektoniczna Polski — stan obecny i próba uporządkowania


  • Andrzej Żelaźniewicz


Tectonic subdivision of Poland — state of the art and attempt to revision.A b s t r a c t . A geological map shows an outcrop pattern of rock units (usually lithostratigraphic) which after having experienced more or less severe tectonic deformation have become structural parts of the solid earth crust. Thus, such a map along with a complementary cross section(s) depicts tectonic structure of a given region at appropriate scale. While speaking about geology of the region one has to identify tectonic units and their boundaries (i.e. deformational structures) on the map and distinguish them by applying proper tectonic terms. In any region, such terms should be accompanied by geographical names to allow for the distinction between particular, more local tectonic units. Once given name should not be changed or replaced by others without producing justified reasons for that. This is an essence of tectonic regionalization which is often misused in recent practice conducted in Poland. In consequence, some units are addressed by 3 or 4 different terms, not seldom with different genetic connotations, or refer to units without determined boundaries. Such an unwelcome practice should be abandoned as it produces serious confusions and misunderstandings among geologists and still more, which is even worse, among non-geologists. The geological structure ofPoland requires presentation on two maps. One of them is to show the picture available after removing Cenozoic cover and the other showing the picture after removing Permo-Mesozoic strata. A brief glossary of tectonic terms recommended by the Committee for Geological Sciences PAS is attached.




Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia