Metoda punktowej, długookresowej satelitarnej interferometrii radarowej (PSInSARTM) w rozpoznaniu geodynamiki NE części Górnośląskiego Zagłębia Węglowego


  • Marek Graniczny
  • Magdalena Czarnogórska
  • Zbigniew Kowalski
  • Andrzej Leśniak
  • Janusz Jureczka


Permanent Scatterer Interferometry (PSInSARTM) technique for recognizing geodynamics of northeastern part of the Upper Silesian Coal Basin.A b s t r a c t . Polish Geological Institute as a member of TerraFirma Consortium obtained PSInSAR dataset for the Sosnowiec area (Upper Silesian Coal Basin — USCB) in mid-March 2004 and in spring 2006. The area of dataset covers northeastern part of the Upper Silesian Coal Basin. Processing of the data has covered scenes both ERS-1, ERS-2 registered between 1992 and 2006. The PSInSAR data were processed by TeleRilevamento Europa. Interpretation of the Sosnowiec scene has covered analysis of the multi-thematic data, including geostatistics, land use, mining, geology and seismicity. The most interesting results obtained in the Sosnowiec area are as follows: the indicated subsidence values in the period from 1992 to 2003 vary between –39.63 mm to +25.12 mm. These values show tendencies of the slow ground motion with a very high accuracy. Preliminary interpretation of the PSInSAR data of the Upper Silesian Coal Basin indicated strong correlation between the recorded PS negative values and structural pattern of the Carboniferous strata. Clearly visible concentration of negative values is also noted at footwalls and hanging walls of the Będzin and Kłodnica regional faults. Undoubtedly, the two mentioned faults of the Variscan origin were rejuvenated during the Alpine Orogeny (Triassic deposits were found in the hanging walls of the faults). The presence of the ground motion along its strike, can suggest neotectonic character of these faults. Linear anomalies oriented WNW-ESE were formed by changing values of the ground motions which are also parallel to the productive Carboniferous deposits forming the coal basin such as the Mudstone Series, Paralic Series and Upper Silesian Sandstone Series. The explanation of these phenomena (genesis and mechanisms) needs further studies. There is an evident correlation between linear negative anomalies and induced seismicity, mainly in the vicinity of the Kłodnica fault. Interpretation of slow ground motions registered by PSInSAR method from the USCB indicates also probably prolongation of the Będzin fault in northwest direction and subsidence of the Upper Silesian Sandstone Series compared to the Mudstone Series and Paralic Series.




Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia