Źródła w zlewni górnej Wołosatki w Bieszczadach Wysokich
Springs of the upper Wołosatka River catchment in the Wysokie Bieszczady Mountains.A b s t r a c t. Paper presents results of mapping of springs of the upper Wołosatka River catchment (Wysokie Bieszczady Mts. — Outer Carpathians). Springs were the most common outflow type in the area (52.55%). Outflow density in the area studied (8.32 km2) was equal 23.56 per km2, while spring rate was 12.4 per km2. Outflow discharges were low and very low — most springs belong to Meinzer classes VI–VIII. Only seven springs had discharges higher than 0.5 dm3/s, and three—over 1 dm3/s. The spatial outflow distribution strongly depends on geology, tectonics and river valley direction. High density of outflows was especially observed within the Bukowe Berdo anticline, where the Otryt sandstones are alternated by thin-bedded flysch of high shale content. All these layers dip down in the opposite direction to the slope, which creates numerous springs and other outflows. Furthermore, a spectacular spring line is visible in the field lying along the Halicz fault.Downloads
Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia