Środowisko hydrogeologiczne utworów podłoża karbonu produktywnego w zapadlisku górnośląskim


  • Andrzej Różkowski


Hydrogeological environment of the Paleozoic formations beneath the Productive Carboniferous in the Upper Silesian Foredeep.A b s t r a c t. The investigations carried out in the deep boreholes Goczałkowice IG-1 (3353.5 m) and Sosnowiec IG-1 (3442.6 m) in the Upper Silesian Foredeep allow to recognize the hydrogeological environment of the Paleozoic strata beneath the Productive Carboniferous. The results of investigations show that geological structure controls forming of hydrodynamic and hydrochemical conditions within the Upper Silesian Foredeep and it influences diversification of hydrogeological properties, water-bearing capacity and chemical composition of groundwater of the carbonate Lower Carboniferous-Devonian and siliciclastic Cambrian formations.




Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia