O wykształceniu strukturalnym Górnośląskiego Zagłębia Węglowego — urywki dyskusji bez zakończenia


  • Lesław Teper


On structural features of the Upper Silesian Coal Basin: Scraps of discussion with no end.A b s t r a c t. Concepts of Adam Kotas, who inferred that structure of the Carboniferous sedimentary complex was produced by primary faulting in the crystalline basement of the Upper Silesian Coal Basin, have been further supported by results from fractal, structural and seismotectonic analyses of the basin features. Findings revealed selfsimilarity of the fault network strongly controlled by fundamental dislocations. Geometrical attributes of fold arrays and evidences of interlayer slip, together with focal mechanism solutions of mine tremors, helped to determine location, kinematics and dynamics of the principal deep-seated faults.




Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia