Rzeźba i osady równiny aluwialnej dolnego biegu Przemszy (Wyżyna Śląska) jako wskaźnik zmian środowiska przyrodniczego
Relief and alluvial plain sediments of the lower Przemsza River valley as indicators of environmental changes (Oświęcim Basin, South Poland).A b s t r a c t . Paleogeography of the lower Przemsza River valley was studied in detail. By means of sedimentological methods, C14 dating and analysis of archival cartographic sources, the chronology of environmental events has been established, along with the types of the sedimentological processes and indirectly the role of neotectonics in the shaping of the valley. The lower Przemsza River section turned out to be the area where the fluvial processes of the Vistula and Przemsza Rivers took place, which can be seen in the formation of two different lithological types of the overbank facies. These types are of key importance in distinguishing between climatic and anthropogenic phases in the upper Vistula River valley.Downloads
Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia