Propozycja kodu genetycznego osadów środowiska eolicznego


  • Paweł Zieliński
  • Katarzyna Issmer


The proposal of genetic code of aeolian deposits.A b s t r a c t. Apermanent trend in the geological studies is coding of lithologic data in order to simplify and shorten its description, and to storage data easily in digital form. The aim of this paper is to propose a lithogenetic code, which as far as it is possible systematizes all found types of aeolian deposits. Therefore, such a code contains not only lithologic data but also explains the deposit origin. Moreover, such a way of description helps out to use it in the POLEOL database. To accept deposition process as a criterion for distinguishing lithologic units in aeolian environment was proposed. Hence, genetic types of deposits can be distinguished, which are related to the following subenvironments: 1) windward subenvironment, in which deposition occurs on the surface exposed to wind action, and depends on wind velocity and ground moisture, and 2) subenvironment of dune lee face, in which deposits are accumulated on the distal slope of dune mostly by gravitational redeposition and/or grain fall on the surfaces sheltered from the wind. Such a systematization of the deposit units gives a possibility of making palaeogeographic reconstructions including determining: a) wind conditions, b) morphometric and dynamic features of forms, c) after further studies and collecting of greater number of data—lithotype features of the genetic types of dunes.




Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia