Chemiczne frakcjonowanie cynku w osadach rzecznych dorzecza południowej i środkowej Wisły


  • Ryszard Świetlik
  • Anna Rabajczyk
  • Marzena Trojanowska


Chemical fractionation of zinc in bottom sediments of the southern and middle Vistula River drainage basin. A b s t r a c t . In Poland, the average Zn contents in river sediments keep up the level 100 mg/kg. The largest accumulations of zinc (up to 10 000 mg/kg), found in river sediments in the Upper and Lower Silesia area, are the result of mining and industrial activity in these regions. In the remaining parts of the country the contents are clearly smaller, except for the conurbation areas (Lis & Pasieczna, 1995). At present, forecasts of behavior of me- tals present in solid environmental samples are usually based on results of chemical fractionation. In this approach, metals are extracted by treating samples with solutions of increasing solubilization potential and simulating extgraction of metals under natural and anthropogenically modified environmental conditions (Rauret, 1998). The studies covered speciation of zinc in river sediments of the Nida and Radomka drainage basins. The chemical fractionation of zinc was conducted in accordance with three-stage procedure of sequential extraction BCR (at present, Standard Measurement and Testing Program), worked out by Ure et al. (1993). The aim of investigations was to compare forms of occurrence of zinc in sediments of rivers flowing through areas differing in geochemical background and characterized by differences in content of anthropogenic zinc. The speciation of zinc in sediment samples from the Radomka drainage basin gave results clearly different from those for sediments from the Nida drainage basin, which may reflect differences in land use. The content of zinc in the studied samples was found to change for 8 mg/kg in bottom deposits of Radomka River at Domaniów to 267 mg/kg in those of Mleczna River at Firlej in the Radomka drainage basin and from 88 mg/kg in sediments of Maskalis River at Brzezie to 101 mg/kg in those of the Brzeźnica River at Raków in the Nida drainage basin.




Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia