Ograniczenie wpływu bioługowanych odpadów przemysłu metalurgicznego na środowisko


  • Joanna Pałdyna
  • Beata Krasnodębska-Ostręga
  • Jerzy Golimowski


Limitation of environmental impact of metallurgical waste by bioleaching.A b s t r a c t. Various bioleaching processes are applied to recover valuable elements from low-grade ores and metallurgical waste. The activity of microorganisms leads to solubilization of metals from solid substrates and, in this way, makes possible recovery of elements from solutions. The study of wastes from the nickel chromium steelworks in Szklary showed that a mobile fraction of elements remaining in residues from bioleaching process was substantially larger than in raw waste material. The highest mobility was displayed by metals in wastes leached by heterotrophic bacteria prior to autotrophic ones. In that case the mobile fraction makes up 60–80% of the total concentration of Ni, Cr, Cu and Zn. Storage of bioleached mine tailings increases risk of permeation of hazardous matter to aquifers. When this is the case, a careful flushing and use of metal-binding materials such as bentonite, zeolites, cement, and commercial preparations containing these ingredients are recommended. The obtained results showed that concrete, which is the cheapest of the applied materials, bound almost entirely the mobile fractions of Ni, Cr, Co, Pb, Cu and Zn.




Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia