Podział skały zbiornikowej na jednostki o jednakowych właściwościach hydraulicznych w celu dokładniejszego wyznaczania przepuszczalności podczas modelowania przepływów w złożu gazu
Hydraulic units differentiated in reservoir rock to facilitate permeability determinations for flow modeling in gas deposit.A b s t r a c t. Petrophysical parameters such as porosity and permeability and bulk density are input data for modeling hydrocarbon flow in reservoirs with the use of Eclipse® program (Schlumberger). The modeling is preceded by preliminary works comprising division of reservoir into hydraulic (flow) units, HU, and their characterization by geometrical and geological factors. Flow Zone Index, FZI, is a factor enabling easier description of movement of media in pore space only on the basis of combination of permeability and porosity. Then, HUs are determined on the basis of FZIs. The tested gas deposit belonged to a group of typical Miocene reservoirs from the Polish part of the Carpathian Foredeep. In this deposit, gas accumulations are related to deltaic sediments represented by sandstone and mudstone layers of various thickness, and heterolites with claystone, mudstone and sandstone intercalations. In the case of this deposit, the wealth of laboratory data made possible credible differentiation of FZI and HU. The tested methodology can also be applied to investigations of reservoirs bearing potable, mineral and geothermal water as well as those used for storage of sequestrated carbon dioxide.Downloads
Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia