Rurociągi polietylenowe w zastosowaniach przemysłowych: hydrotransport, rurociągi podwodne, zastosowania w górnictwie (w aspekcie budowy składowisk w złożach soli kamiennej)
Polyethylene pipes in industrial applications: transport of slurry, underwater pipelines, mining industry applications (in the aspect of building depositories in rock salt deposits)A b s t r a c t . Polyethylene (PE) is more and more commonly used material in constructing new waterworks and sewage nets also to renovate old existing nets in Poland. Many of mechanical and chemical properties create the ability of applying it in construction of new industrial pipelines. Pipelines made of PE replace traditional materials like steel, concrete in industrial applications, both in pressure transport of technological pipelines and drainage systems and gravity transportation. Because of a very good abrasion pressure resistance PE pipes are used in slurry transportation e.g.: a) transport of slurry from cuprum mining, b) sand with water transportation in sand mining, c) drainage pipelines in brown coal mining. Total resistance to corrosion, wide range of chemical resistance and flexibility of PE with homogeneous jointing connections (butt-fusion and extrusion joints) make the pipes usefull in trenchless technology and underwater technology e.g. renovation of industrial pipelines (especially when industrial waste is chemically aggressive) and as underwater pipelines (easily sunk method). KWH Pipe Poland Sp. z o.o. is an experienced producer of pipes for industrial applications such as pressure PE pipes up to DN 1600 mm in pressure range form PN4 to PN16 and gravity and low pressure PE pipes up to DN 3000 mm diameterDownloads
Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia