Określenie głębokości strefy zaniku ługowania na podstawie pomiaru prędkości propagacji ultradźwięków w solance i jej temperatury
Determination of depth extent of leaching zone on the basis of ultrasonic velocity and temperature measurementsA b s t r a c t. Determinations of shape and size of caverns leached in salt deposits made with the use of ultrasonic probe are connected also with measurements of ultrasonic velocity and temperature of brine. The obtained data are used to plot graph of an equivalent radius of the leached cavern. The changes in value of this radius indicate changes in cavern size in result of leaching. Anomalies detected in temperature and ultrasonic velocities data represented as graphs were found to correspond to a depth zone in which equivalent radius stops changing which means decrease in effectiveness of leaching. The paper presents the method of measurements of temperature and ultrasonic velocities and definition of equivalent radius. Moreover, an example of correlation between depth change of equivalent radius, temperature and ultrasonic velocity for a selected cavern is given. It is also shown that appropriate measurements of temperature and velocity can provide important information on progress in leaching processes and could be the basis for revision of leaching models.Downloads
Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia