Warunki rozwoju i rozmieszczenie torfowisk w Kotlinie Orawsko-Nowotarskiej


  • Adam Łajczak


Development conditions and distribution of peat bogs in the Orava-Nowy Targ Basin.A b s t r a c t . The Orava-Nowy Targ Basin is the only intramontane basin in the Carpathian Mountains, where numerous low and raised peat bogs developed in the Holocene. The peat bogs were originally comprising about 40% of the basin area. to became confined to 12%, in result of several centuries of exploitation of peat. On the basis of investigations on geomorphological location of the preserved relics of peat bogs, and reconstructions of their original extent, an attempt was made to identify natural environment factors which had the biggest influence on development of peat-forming process within the Orava-Nowy Targ Basin. The most important of these factors were found to be landforms of fluvioglacial and fluvial accumulation and their composition, as well climatic conditions. However, it should be stated that distribution of raised peat bogs appears to be mainly controlled by the mode of circulation of shallow groundwaters and location of their stable outflows. This is an aspect of development of peat bogs that has not been studied up to now.




Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia