Wykorzystanie złóż kopalin w Polsce a zagrożenia bezpieczeństwa surowcowego kraju


  • Marek Nieć
  • Barbara Radwanek-Bąk


Recent utilization of mineral deposits in Poland and threats to security of supply.A b s t r a c t. Possibilities of exploitation of a large part of mineral deposits appear limited by actual and planned land use and the related land ownership rights (especially in the case of opencast mining) and by various real and imaginary restraints resulting from landscape and environment protection. Such limitations make further development of existing basis of mineral raw materials rather doubtful. Therefore, they represent a threat for appropriate supply of mineral commodities and may be a barrier to future sustainable development. The major factor acting against the mining is a low social consciousness of importance of mineral commodities for covering everyday needs of a community, together with traditional vision of the mining as exclusively damaging natural environment. The protection of deposits for future development should be secured by a special Legal Act. The knowledge and reliable information on importance of mineral raw materials for everyday life and local and regional and country economy as well as of real impact of the mining on the environment and the modes of its remediation is indispensable for proper management of mineral deposits. Such knowledge should be disseminated properly in schools and by media in PR campaigns.




Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia