Zjawisko „zachowania w ukryciu” skamieniałości—przegląd i przykłady z górnego dewonu Polski


  • Michał Rakociński


Phenomenon of “sheltered preservation” — an overview and fossil examples from the Upper Devonian of Poland.A b s t r a c t. “Sheltered preservation” of various organisms within shells of cephalopods is a well-known phenomenon and numerous examples have been frequently reported by paleontologists from several regions but so far not from Poland. In the present paper, spectacular examples of such occurrences of different organisms preserved mainly within empty cephalopod shells are reviewed. Moreover, specimens of trilobites representing the genus Cyrtosymbole, found within the phragmocone of a clymeniid ammonoid Kalloclymenia, and disarticulated fragments of trilobites preserved in body chamber of an orthoconic nautiloid are illustrated and shortly described from the Upper Famennian of Kowala (Holy Cross Mountains, Poland).




Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia