Nowe znaleziska tropów dinozaurów z osadów liasowych Gór Świętokrzyskich


  • Grzegorz Niedźwiedzki
  • Zbigniew Remin
  • Joanna Roszkowska
  • Urszula Meissner


New finds of dinosaur tracks in the Liassic strata of the Holy Cross Mountains, Poland.A b s t r a c t. New Lower Jurassic material of dinosaur tracks has been found in the coastal siliciclastic and fluvial deposits of the Holy Cross Mountains (HCMts.), Poland. Three poorly preserved specimens of small to medium-sized theropod dinosaur footprints, assigned to cf. Grallator isp. and cf. Anchisauripus isp.,were found in the Sinemurian deposits exposed in the Starachowice outcrop. Sixteen specimens of dinosaur tracks, referred to ichnotaxa cf. Grallator isp., Anchisauripus isp., cf. Kayentapus isp., cf. Moyenisauropus isp., Theropoda indet., and Dinosauria indet., have been found in the upper Hettangian deposits of the Przysucha Ore-Bearing Formation and the Lower Sinemurian Ostrowiec Formation exposed near Żarnów (Paszkowice and Żarnów sites) in the northwestern part of the HCMts. Dinosaur footprints (cf. Anchisauripus isp., cf. Kayentapus isp.; and cf. Moyenisauropus isp.) and non-dinosaur tracks were found at the Bielowice site, known also as Wólka Karwicka near Opoczno. Interesting large ornithischian footprint (cf. Moyenisauropus isp.) and small-medium theropod footprints (Anchisauripus isp.) were found in the Zagaje Formation of Chyby near Mniów. Ornithischian dinosaur tracks similar to Moyenisauropus were also found in Skłoby Formation at Szwarszowice near Ostrowiec Świętokrzyski. The last finds reported herein, the well preserved specimens of Anomoepus, Anchisauripus, Eubrontes and Kayentapus-like footprints, came from the new tracksite of Szydłówek. Tracks made by large theropods (cf. Megalosauripus isp.) and sauropods were also found at this site. The material came from the strata representing a large barrier-lagoon/deltaic sequence. These new finds confirm that the barrier-lagoonal association of theropod dinosaurs of the Lower Jurassic of the HCMts. is characterised by dominance of small and medium-sized forms but contains also prints made by larger animals. The analysis of the Liassic ichnocenosis suggests that Anchisauripus was a facies-independent ichnotaxon. In the Lower Jurassic of Poland this ichnogenus was identified in the fluvial (aluvial-plain), deltaic (delta-plain), and barier-lagoonal deposits.




Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia