Osady lodowcowe na przedpolu Tatr w rejonie Toporowej Cyrhli i Niżniej Palenicy Pańszczykowej


  • Magda Derkacz
  • Bogusław Marcinkowski
  • Marcin Żarski


Glacial deposits in the foreland of Tatra Mountains near Toporowa Cyrhla and Niżnia Palenica Pañszczykowa.A b s t r a c t . Tills in fluvioglacial cone of Sucha Woda Valley near Toporowa Cyrhla and Niżnia Palenica Pańszczykowa were recognized during mapping Tatra Mountains in scale 1 : 10 000. Tills with big boulders occur outside maximum range of Würm Glaciation end moraines and probably were accumulated by glacier of Riss Glaciation. Grain size composition, petrographical content (grains 5–10 mm) and compositions of heavy minerals (grains 0.1–0.25 mm) were investigated in tills. Dusty and clay fraction prevails (50–70%) above sandy and gravel fraction in these sediments. Gravel of granite without sandstone predominates in samples from Toporowa Cyrhla and gravels of sandstone with granite prevail in deposits of Niżnia Palenica Pańszczykowa. Granite in tills deposits occur in upper part of Sucha Woda Valley near Hala Gąsienicowa. Sandstone occur in middle and lower part of valley. Different petrographical content of samples from Toporowa Cyrhla and Niżnia Palenica Pańszczykowa could indicate various glaciers accumulated tills or various age of investigated sediments. Non resistant minerals and magnetite prevail among heavy minerals. These investigations suggest glacial origin of these deposits and delimit bigger range of glacial tills by this day.




Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia