Strefy tektoniczne południowo-zachodniego Podhala


  • Radosław Wasiluk


Tectonic zones of southwestern Podhale.A b s t r a c t. Various structural observations were collected in southwestern Podhale Trough during investigations for Detailed map of Tatra Mts., scale 1 : 10 000. Fault surfaces, strikes and dips of beds and fold axes were measured in the field. Statistical analysis of results allow to recognize 5 groups of dislocations with variable types of movement, directions and age: 1) slickensides on W-E striking, almost horizontal bedding surfaces show reverse motion towards S, 2) steeply-dipping (80–90°) faults, striking parallel to bedding and also showing reverse motion towards S, 3) vertical transcurrent faults associated with main tectonic zones, striking almost N-S, 4) normal faults striking ca 38° (NE-SW) and 135° (NW-SE). Attitudes of beds different from regional trend were separated. Deviations are caused by flexural bending along tectonic zones. Anomalous attitudes of beds coincide with directions of dislocations recognized in the field. A map of lineaments in the study area is also presented. Analysis of landforms on Digital Terrain Model (DTM) led to recognition of series of lineaments related to either tectonic structures or lithology. Main transverse tectonic zones were identified on the map of lineaments: Chochołowski Potok-Czarny Dunajec, Kościeliski Potok, Mała Łąka; as well as some minor faults and zones where particular directions of faults predominate. Statistic analysis of directions of tectolineaments allows to recognize 4 main directions: 1) about 90°, associated to thrusts and folds (parallel to strikes of beds), 2) N-S and slightly oblique directions associated to transcurrent zones, 3) approximately 40° and 4) 140° directions associated to normal faults. Results obtained using these 3 methods (analysis of field data, analysis of DTM, analysis of attitudes of beds different from regional trend) are consistent with each other.




Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia