Piaskowiec kwarcytowy w dolnej części formacji z Kopieńca między Doliną Bystrej i Doliną Olczyską w Tatrach


  • Andrzej Iwanow
  • Ryszard Zabielski
  • Małgorzata Połońska


Quartzitic sandstone in the lower part of the Kopieniec Formation between the Bystra Valley and the Olczyska Valley in the Tatra Mountains (Poland).A b s t r a c t. Quartzitic sandstone was distinguished at the lower part of the Kopieniec Formation from the Lower Subtatric Nappe (Kriżna Nappe; Fatricum) between the Bystra Valley and the Olczyska Valley, in the Tatra Mts. In previous editions of the detail geological maps of the Tatra Mts, this sandstone was not marked in this area. The quartzitic sandstone crops out at Wysokie hill, east of Kuźnice and can be easily recognized in the field. The sandstone is located above the series of the dark-grey organodetrital limestones and the black calcareous sandstones of the Fatra Formation (Rhaetian) and below the typical brownish- gray claystone of the Kopieniec Formation (Hettangian). Maximum thickness of quartzitic sandstone is about 15 m.




Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia