Nowe dane o minerałach wietrzeniowych złoża Miedzianka-Ciechanowice w Rudawach Janowickich (Dolny Śląsk, Polska)


  • Rafał Siuda
  • Bożena Gołębiowska


New data on supergene minerals from Miedzianka-Ciechanowice deposit in the Rudawy Janowickie Mountains (Lower Silesia, Poland).A b s t r a c t. The abandoned deposit of polymetallic ore in Miedzianka-Ciechanowice is locatedin the northern part of the Kowary-Czarnów Unit, within the eastern metamorphic cover of the Karkonosze granite. This deposit is formed mainly of hydrothermal veins related to the Karkonosze granite and Intra Sudetic Fault. Lenses-forming contact-metasomatic ores are also present. The ore assemblages are rich in Cu, and poor in Pb, Ag, As and Fe. The Miedzianka-Ciechanowice deposits were mined from the early Middle Ages to the middle of the 20th century. This paper presents mineralogical characteristic of hypergenic phases recognized by authors. Twenty three supergene minerals hitherto unknown from the Miedzianka-Ciechanowice area were identified, including bassetite, beaverite, chlorargyrite, clinoclase, cuprosklodowskite, devilline, eulytite, greenockite, hemimorphite, hydrozincite, kaòkite, langite, libethenite, medenbachite, mixite, parsonsite, pharmacosiderite, plumboagardite, plumbojarosite, segnitite, trögerite, tyrolite, zeunerite (names written in a upright Roman type – minerals found for the first time in Poland). The following essential mineral associations were recognized: Cu-arsenates (e.g. cornwallite, philipsburgite, bayldonite, olivenite); Co-Zn arsenates (e.g. köttigite and erythrite with co-existing scorodite), and REE-arsenates (e.g. agardite-(La), plumboagardite). The basic sulfates (e.g. langite, brochantite, devilline), Bi supergene phases (e.g. mixite, eulytite, bismutoferrite) and U-supergene phases (e.g. parsonsite, bassetite and torbernite-zeunerite) are also present beside arsenates. Basing mainly on the EMPA results, several phases intermediate in isomorphic solid solution series have been recognized, e.g. köttigite–erythrite, and pseudomalachite–cornwallite. These supergene mineral assembles are typical for alteration of polymetallic ores, in which chemically variable solutions permanently change thermochemical conditions.




Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia