Polska Wyprawa Naukowa do Peru
Polish Scientific Expedtion to Peru.A b s t r a c t. Since 2003, the authors are carrying geological surveys in the Andes of southern Peru, with the focus on foundation of a new Colca Canyon and Valley of the Volcanoes national park. The surveys showed unique geodiversity and biodiversity of that sparsely populated mountainous region, which should be protected from growing tourism and investment pressure. In 2006 the Polish Scientific Expedition to Peru was formed with and the present authors were chosen as its leaders. During the succeeding years the team has grown significantly to embrace 30 people from 11 research institutions. The article presents the characteristics of the terrain, the developments in implementation of research projects, the cooperation, achievements and dissemination of the obtained results, organizational problems, andmajor tasks for the future.Downloads
Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia