Udział mikroorganizmów w przebiegu procesów biogeochemicznych w geologicznych środowiskach przypowierzchniowych. Część I – mikroorganizmy tlenowe


  • Dorota Wolicka


Participation of microorganisms in biogeochemical processes in geological near-surface environments. Part I – Aerobic microorganisms.A b s t r a c t. Microorganisms activity have large influence on composition of minerals and rocks due to biogeochemical processes in the lithosphere weathering zone. In each environment specific autochthonous microorganisms occur and knowledge of their activity and certain biochemical processes is very important in understanding the geochemical cycles of elements, minerals and organic compounds. Physical and chemical conditions of environment strongly influence the composition of bacterial communities. Depending on their properties, the activity of one group of microorganisms, may affect the chemical reactions on significant way and can moderate the direction of biogeochemical processes. The paper is focused on the role of aerobic microbial communities and products of their metabolism in biogeochemical conditions at the weathered zone.




Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia