Wsępne wyznaczanie obszaru zasilania i zasobów ujęcia wody podziemnej


  • Janusz Hauryłkiewicz


Prepumping determination of recharge-area and resources of groundwater intake.A b s t r a c t. The capture area from which groundwater flows to a well and well resources are very important features of groundwater intake. Usually they can be determined on the basis of well pumping test data and using Theis-Jacob’s equations. However, evaluations of the above mentioned features are sometimes needed at a preliminary stage, before pumping tests are performed and when equation parameters are still not available. Three pieces of useful advice are here proposed for such cases, namely: using Dupuit’s equations for superposition instead of the Theis-Jacob’s ones; using a computer program instead of superposition construction by hand; applying a probabilistic approach, using spreadsheet for choosing the suitable groundwater resource value from those obtained by means of different deterministic methods. To explain these tips, some examples regarding an unconfined aquifer are presented.




Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia